Example 3  The Velocity of the Care Package

For the situation shown in Figure 3.10, find the speed of package B and the direction of the velocity vector just before package B hits the ground.

Reasoning  Since the speed v of the package is given by it is necessary to know values for vx and vy at the instant before impact. The component vx is constant and has a value of 115 m/s. The component vy can be determined by using Equation 3.3b and the data from Example 2 (ay=–9.80 m/s2, v0y=0 m/s, t=14.6 s). Thus, we expect that the final speed v of package B will be greater than 115 m/s.

Problem solving insight
The speed of a projectile at any location along its path is the magnitude v of its velocity at that location:. Both the horizontal and vertical velocity components contribute to the speed.

Solution From Equation 3.3b, it follows that

The speed of package B at the instant before impact is
which is greater than 115 m/s, as expected. The velocity vector makes an angle with the horizontal, as Figure 3.10 indicates:

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