Example 8  Electric Fields Add as Vectors Do

Figure 18.18 shows two charged objects, A and B. Each contributes as follows to the net electric field at point P: EA=3.00 N/C directed to the right, and EB=2.00 N/C directed downward. Thus, EA and EB are perpendicular. What is the net electric field at P?

The electric field contributions EA and EB, which come from the two charge distributions, are added vectorially to obtain the net field E at point P.
Figure 18.18  The electric field contributions EA and EB, which come from the two charge distributions, are added vectorially to obtain the net field E at point P.

Reasoning  The net electric field E is the vector sum of EA and EB: E=EA+EB. As illustrated in Figure 18.18, EA and EB are perpendicular, so E is the diagonal of the rectangle shown in the drawing. Thus, we can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the magnitude of E and trigonometry to find the directional angle .

Solution The magnitude of the net electric field is

The direction of E is given by the angle in the drawing:

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