Copy in WebAssign and Link in Sakai

To allow assignment editing and preserve custom settings, first copy a course in WebAssign, then integrate the WebAssign course with your Sakai® course.

Copy a Section to a New Course

You can create a new single section course by copying an existing section with scheduled assignments that you want to reuse. After you create the course, you can change the assignment schedule and add more sections if needed.

Alternatively, see Create a New Single Section Course.

If you manage your K–12 course through NGLSync, see Copy Course in NGLSync.

This creates a new single section course with all of the assignments scheduled from the section being copied. In addition, many of the settings from the original section are copied.

The section being copied is not changed.

Note Do not use the same course across multiple academic terms. Create a new course at the start of each term. If needed, you can copy one of your previous courses.
  1. From the menu bar, click Classes > Create Class.
  2. When prompted, select Copy assignments and settings from an existing course and click the name of the section you want to copy.
  3. Type a Course Number.
    1. Optional: Type a Course Title for the course.
      Best Practice Use Course Name and Course Number in your Course Title, for example, MATH 110.
    2. Optional: Type a Section.
  4. Select the primary Instructor.
  5. Select how to manage the course roster.

    The available rostering options are set for each school. For more information, see Rostering Options.

  6. Select the Term, Start Date, and End Date.

    You can type the dates or use the calendar tool.

    The grace period when students can access WebAssign without payment is shown based on your entered start date.

  7. Specify when the Class Meets.
    • Click the days on which the class meets, and type the start and end times.
    • If there are no scheduled class meetings, select No scheduled class meetings.
    Sections with scheduled meeting times cannot copy to a section without scheduled meeting times or vice-versa.
  8. Optional: If displayed next to your textbook, click Edition Update Available > Update Edition to use the newer edition.
    Note Students with multi-term access for the previous edition will need to purchase access to the new edition.
    When your new course is created, the scheduled assignments from your original course are copied and the new assignment copies are scheduled to your new course. Your original assignments are not changed. On the new assignments:
    • Questions from the previous version of the textbook are replaced with corresponding questions from the newer version.
    • Questions from other sources and questions with no corresponding version in the new edition are unchanged.
    • Assignment settings are copied from your original assignments.
  9. Optional: If your textbook includes the Personal Study Plan® feature, select Enable Personal Study Plan to enable it for your course.

    If you are using a textbook bundle, selecting Enable Personal Study Plan enables it for all textbooks in the bundle that offer a Personal Study Plan. You can enable or disable the Personal Study Plan for an individual textbook after creating your course.

  10. Optional: If your textbook includes premade Course Pack assignments, select how you want to add your first assignments.
  11. Select the check box certifying your use of the selected textbook in your class.
  12. Optional: Select free additional question sets or Personal Study Plans for your course.

    The availability of these resources varies by discipline.

    1. Click Free Additional Content.
    2. Select the resources you want to use.
    3. Click Apply.
  13. Optional: Override the default copy settings.
    Setting Description
    Copy restrictions (security, time, conditional release) By default, the following restrictions are copied when each assignment is scheduled:
    • Password Protected
    • IP Address (Location) Restricted
    • LockDown Browser® Required
    • Timed Assignment
    • Conditional Release

    If an assignment is set to drop restrictions after a certain date, the copied assignment will drop restrictions after its new due date.

    Group assignment settings and conditional release waivers for students cannot be copied because those settings are unique to the roster of students for each section.

    Create a new copy of each assignment

    By default, the original assignments are copied and the copies are scheduled to the new section. Keep this setting enabled if you are copying original assignments and their settings to the new section.

    Note Create a new copy of each assignment if you are copying another instructor's course and want to edit assignments.

    You cannot override this copy setting when updating your textbook to the newest edition.

    Copy additional instructor access By default, any other instructors or TAs who have access to the section you are copying will have access to the new section.
    Copy gradebook settings If a gradebook was configured for the section you are copying, it will be configured the same way for the new section.

    Clear or select check boxes if you need to change the default behaviors.

    The following additional section settings are copied to the new section:
    • Resource materials that were added or enabled1
    • Settings for Ask Your Teacher messages
    • Settings for private messages
    • Extension request policies
    After the new section is created, you can change these if needed.
  14. Click Create Course.

If you selected I want to look at ready-to-use assignments as a starting point, the available Course Pack assignments for your textbook are displayed. See Add Course Pack Assignments.

Always review the section schedule after copying. Usually, some changes are required for the new course. See Reschedule Assignments.

If your school should be billed for WebAssign access — common for high schools — set the student fee payment method for your new section to Bill Institution.

1 Personal Study Plan settings are copied only for the Personal Study Plan associated with the primary textbook. See Secondary Personal Study Plan Settings Not Copied.