
Chapter 6 – Acids and Bases


Brønsted acid-base reactions are proton transfer reactions. Acids donate protons to bases. In the process, the acid is converted into its conjugate base and the base into its conjugate acid. A conjugate acid-base pair differ by one and only one proton. The relative strength of an acid is given by its acid dissociation constant, Ka, which is the equilibrium constant for the reaction of the acid with the weak base water. In this chapter, we show how to use the Ka expression to determine equilibrium concentrations in solutions of acids and bases.

6.1 Autoionization of Water


All of the acid-base reactions we will discuss occur in water, so it is important to understand the acid-base properties of water. Water is said to be amphiprotic because it can behave as either an acid or a base. In fact, the acidity of an aqueous solution is the extent to which water reacts with an acid to produce its conjugate acid H3O1+, the hydronium ion. Similarly, the basicity of a solution is the extent to which water reacts with a base to produce its conjugate base, OH1–. In this section, we examine the relationship between the hydronium and hydroxide ion concentrations in aqueous solutions.


6.1-1. Review of Acids and Bases

The following is a brief review of the more thorough treatment of acid-base chemistry which can be found in CAMS Chapter 12. You should refer to that chapter for a more in-depth discussion. The material in this and the following chapter assumes a knowledge of how to write chemical equations for acid-base reactions, so viewing the video in CAMS Section 12.8-1. would be especially helpful. A Lewis base is a substance that contains a lone pair that can be used in a coordinate covalent bond, and a Lewis acid is a substance that has an empty orbital that can be used to share the lone pair in the bond. A Lewis acid-base reaction is the formation of the bond between the acid and the base. The Lewis acid-base reaction between ammonia and acetic acid is represented in Figure 6.1a. In it, the lone pair on ammonia is used to form a covalent bond to a hydrogen atom on the acetic acid. Ammonia contains the lone pair, so it is the base, and acetic acid accepts the lone pair, so it is the acid. In the reverse reaction a lone pair on the acetate ion attacks a proton of the ammonium ion in another Lewis acid-base reaction. This very broad classification allows us to treat many reactions as acid-base reactions. However, the reaction in the figure can also be viewed has a proton transfer from the acid to the base. Although proton transfer reactions can be viewed as Lewis acid-base reactions, a different acid-base theory was developed for this very important branch of chemistry. In Brønsted-Lowery or simply Brønsted theory, an acid is a proton donor and a base is a proton acceptor. Acetic acid has a proton that it can transfer, so it is an acid, while ammonia can accept a proton, so it is a base. The loss of a proton converts the acid into its conjugate base, and the gain of the proton converts the base into its conjugate acid. An acid and a base differ by one proton only and are said to be a conjugate acid-base pair. The only reactants and products present in a Brønsted acid-base reaction are an acid, a base, and their conjugate base and acid. The brackets in Figure 6.1b identify the conjugate acid-base pairs in the reaction of acetic acid and ammonia.
Figure 6.1: Acid-Base Reaction Between Acetic Acid and Ammonia
(a) Lewis formalism (b) Brønsted formalism. The brackets connect conjugate acid-base pairs in the Brønsted formalism.

6.1-2. Ion Product Constant

Kw must be satisfied in all aqueous solutions.
Since water is both an acid and a base, it can react with itself in a process called autoionization.
H2O(l) + H2O(l) H3O1+(aq) + OH1−(aq)
The equilibrium constant expression for the autoionization, which is given in Equation 6.1, is called the ion product constant of water and given the symbol Kw. Water is the solvent, so it is treated as a pure liquid with an activity of unity, so it does not appear in the equilibrium constant expression.
( 6.1 )
Kw = [H3O1+][OH1−] = 1.0 × 10−14 at 25 °C
Ion Product Constant for Water
The subscript 'w' simply indicates 'water'. It is called an ion product constant because it involves only the product of the concentrations of two ions. Kw must be satisfied in all aqueous solutions, regardless of what other substances may be dissolved. Thus, the hydronium and hydroxide ion concentrations in ALL aqueous solutions are related by Equation 6.1.

6.1-3. Acidity and Basicity

If water is the only source of H3O1+ and OH1– ions, then their concentrations must be equal because they are produced in a 1:1 ratio. However, addition of an acid to an aqueous solution increases [H3O1+] and decreases [OH1–] so that the resulting concentrations obey Equation 6.1. Addition of a base has the opposite effect of increasing [OH1–] and decreasing [H3O1+]. Consequently, aqueous solutions can be classified as one of the following types. However, Equation 6.1 is obeyed in all three types.

6.1-4. Exercise

Exercise: 6.1

What are the hydronium and hydroxide ion concentrations in pure water at 25 °C?
[H3O1+] = [OH1–] = 1.0e-7_0_2_ Let [H3O1+] = [OH1–] = x. Substitute x into Equation 6.1.
[H3O1+][OH1–] = (x)(x) = x2 = 1.0e–14
Solve for x.
x = (1.0e–14)1/2 = 1.0e–7 M.

HCl is added to water until [H3O1+] = 0.042 M. What is the concentration of the hydroxide ion in the resulting solution at 25 °C?
[OH1–] = 2.4e-13_0__
[OH1−] =
= 2.4e−13 M

What is [H3O1+] in a solution that is 0.50 M in hydroxide ion?
[H3O1+] = 2.0e-14_0_2_
[H3O1+] =
= 2.0e−14 M

6.2 The p-Scale


Many of the numbers used in this chapter are very small, so they are often expressed on the p-scale to avoid the use of negative exponents or preceding zeroes.


6.2-1. Method for Converting to the p-Scale

The p-scale is defined in Equation 6.2. A 'p' placed before a concentration or a constant means that the number is the negative log of the concentration or constant.
( 6.2 )
pX = −log(X)
Converting a Number to the p-Scale
For example, pH = –log [H3O1+] and pKa = –log Ka. Taking the antilogarithm of both sides of Equation 6.2 gives the expression for converting the p-scale to the concentration or constant.
( 6.3 )
X = (10)−pX
Converting from the p-Scale Back to the Number
The hydronium ion concentration in a solution with pH = 3.20 is [H3O1+] = 10–pH = 10–3.20 = 6.3e–04 and an acid with a pKa = 5.62 has a Ka = 10–5.62 = 2.4e–06. It might appear that the [H3O1+] and Ka do not have the correct number of significant figures. After all, the pH has three, while the [H3O1+] and Ka each have only two. The difference arises because the numbers to the left of the decimal in a logarithm indicate the exponent, not the significant figures. This is due to the way negative exponents are handled. An exponent of –3.20 is expressed as 0.80 – 4, so 10–3.20 = (100.80)(10–4) = (6.3)(10–4). Thus, the significant figure, 6.3, is determined from 0.80, which comes from the 0.20 in the pH. The exponent, –4, is dictated by the number to the left of the decimal. We conclude that significant figures can be lost when converting from pX to X, while they can be gained in going from X to pX. This is the reason that pKa values are usually reported to three significant figures, while Ka values have only two. The following are common uses of the p-scale.
pH = –log [H3O1+][H3O1+] = 10–pH
pOH = –log [OH1– ] [OH1– ] = 10–pOH
pKw = –log(Kw) = –log(1.0 × 1014) = 14.00 Kw = 10–pKw = 10–14
pKa = –log(Ka) Ka = 10–pKa
Table 6.1

6.2-2. pKw, pH, and pOH

We now express the ion product for water (Equation 6.1
Kw = [H3O1+][OH1−] = 1.0 × 10−14 at 25 °C
) in terms of pH and pOH.
Kw = [H3O1+][OH1−]
Taking the negative logarithm of both sides, we obtain the following.
−log Kw = −log [H3O1+] − log [OH1−]
Substitution of the p-scale definitions results in the relationship between pH, pOH, and pKw.
( 6.4 )
pKw = pH + pOH = 14.00 at 25 °C
Equation 6.4 is an important relationship that we will use to convert between the pH and pOH of aqueous solutions. It is important to realize that pKw = 14.00 only at 25 °C, but values at some selected temperatures are given in the following table.
T (°C) pKw Kw
0 14.94 1.15e–15
25 14.00 1.00e–14
50 13.28 5.25e–15
75 12.71 1.95e–13
100 12.26 5.50e–13
Table 6.2: pKw at Selected Temperatures

6.2-3. pH, Acidity, Basicity, and Neutrality

Acidic solutions: [H3O1+] > 1.0 × 10–7. Taking the negative logarithm of both sides of this inequality produces
pH < 7.00 for acidic solutions. A solution in which [H3O1+] = 1.0 M (pH = 0.0) is fairly acidic solution, so most pH values for acidic solutions lie between 0 and 7. However, H3O1+ concentrations greater than 1.0 M are possible. We conclude that the pH of a solution decreases as the acidity increases, and the pH of most acidic solutions lies between 0 and 7, but negative values are possible.
Basic Solutions: [OH1–] > 1.0 × 10–7, so [H3O1+] < 1.0 × 10–7. Taking the negative logarithm of both sides yields pOH < 7 or pH > 7 for basic solutions. A solution in which [OH1–] = 1.0 M has a pOH = –log(1.0) = 0.0, which gives it a pH = 14.0 – 0.0 = 14.0, which is a very basic solution. However, solutions in which [OH1–] > 1 M are not uncommon. We conclude that the pH of a solution increases as the basicity increases, and the pH of most basic solutions lie between 7 and 14, but values higher than 14 are possible. Neutral Solutions: [H3O1+] = [OH1–] = 1.0 × 10–7, so pH = pOH = 7.00 (at 25 °C). Thus, a neutral solution at
25 °C is one with pH = 7.00.
These conclusions are summarized in the following figure.
diagram showing pH increasing from acidic through neutral then basic
Figure 6.2: pH and Solution Type at 25 °C
Pictured above is the relationship between pH, acidity, and basicity.

6.2-4. Converting to the p-Scale Exercises

Exercise 6.2:

Determine the pH and pOH of the following solutions.
Concentration pH pOH
[H3O1+] = 1.0e–07 M
7.00_0_3_ pH = [H3O1+] = –log(1.0e–7) = 7.00
7.00_0_3_ pOH = 14.00 – pH = 14.00 – 7.00 = 7.00
[H3O1+] = 0.042 M
1.38_0_3_ pH = [H3O1+] = –log(0.042) = 1.38
12.62_0_4_ pOH = 14.00 – pH = 14.00 – 1.38 = 12.62
[OH1–] = 0.50 M
13.70_0_4_ pH = 14.00 – pOH = 14.00 – 0.30 = 13.70
0.30_0_2_ pOH = –log[OH1–] = –log(0.50) = 0.30

6.2-5. Exercise

Exercise 6.3:

What are [H3O1+] and [OH1–] in a solution with a pH of 8.62?
[H3O1+] = 2.4e-9_0__ [H3O1+] = 10–pH = 10–8.62 = 2.4e–09 M
pOH = 5.38_0__ pOH = 14.00 – pH = 14.00 – 8.62 = 5.38
[OH1–] = 4.2e-6_0__
[OH1−] = 10−pOH = 10−5.38 = 4.2e−06 or

[OH1−] =
= 4.2e−06 M

6.2-6. Exercise

Exercise 6.4:

The pH of a sample of lemon juice is found to be 2.32. What are the hydronium and hydroxide ion concentrations?
[H3O1+] = 4.8e-3_0__ [H3O1+] = 10–pH = 10–2.32 = 4.8e–03 M M
pOH = 11.68_0__ pOH = 14.00 – pH = 14.00 – 2.32 = 11.68
[OH1–] = 2.1e-12_0__
[OH1−] = 10−pOH = 10−11.68 = 2.1e−12 M or

[OH1−] =
= 2.1e−12 M

6.2-7. Exercise

Exercise 6.5:

The hydroxide ion concentration in a bottle of household ammonia is 0.0083 M. Determine the pH, pOH, and the hydronium ion concentration of the solution.
pOH = 2.08_0__ pOH = –log [OH1–] = –log(0.0083) = 2.08
pH = 11.92_0__ pH = 14.00 – pOH = 14.00 – 2.08 = 11.92
[H3O1+] = 1.2e-12_0__
[H3O1+] = 10−pH = 10−11.92 = 1.2e−12 M or

[H3O1+] =
0.00831.2e−12 M
= 1.2e−12 M

6.3 Strong Acids


The common strong acids are HClO4, HCl, HBr, HI, HNO3, and H2SO4. In this section, we discuss how the pH of a strong acid solution is determined.


6.3-1. Strong Acid Video

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6.3-2. Strong Acid Solutions

Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid, so essentially all of the HCl reacts. The reaction is so extensive that it is usually represented with a single arrow.
HCl + H2O H3O1+ + Cl1–
initial co 0 0
Δ co +co co
eq 0 co co
In the reaction table above, co is the makeup concentration of the acid, which is the concentration given on the acid bottle. For strong, monoprotic acids, the hydronium ion concentration is given by the makeup concentration because all of the acid reacts. The case of H2SO4 is a little more complicated because only the first proton is strongly acidic. We will consider sulfuric acid in more detail in the section on polyprotic acids.

6.3-3. Exercises

Exercise 6.6:

What is the pH of a 0.16 M solution of hydrochloric acid?
pH = 0.80_0_2_ [H3O1+] = co, so pH = –log(co) = –log(0.16) = 0.80

6.4 Weak Acids


Weak acids react only slightly with water, so the hydronium ion concentration in a solution of a weak acid does not equal the makeup concentration. In this section, we show how to determine the concentrations of all of the species in a solution of a weak acid.


6.4-1. Weak Acid Video

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6.4-2. Weak Acid-Water Reaction Table

The equilibrium constant for the reaction of an acid and water is called the acid dissociation constant, Ka. Ka is so large for strong acids that all of the acid reacts to produce hydronium ion and the conjugate base of the acid. Ka is small for weak acids, so only a portion of a weak acid reacts with water. Thus, the Δ line entries of the reaction table are unknown. Consider the reaction of a generic weak acid HA with water.
HA + H2O H3O1+ + A1–
initial co 0 0
Δ x x x
initial cox x x
Water is the solvent, so it is treated as a pure liquid (activity = 1), so the Ka expression is the following.
( 6.5 )
Ka =
Acid Dissociation Expression
The values of Ka and pKa for several acids are given in the Acid-Base Table with pKa.

6.4-3. Solving the Ka Expression

We must solve Equation 6.5 for x to obtain the equilibrium concentrations in an aqueous solution of the weak acid HA.
Ka =
where x = [H3O1+] = [A1–] and cox = [HA]. The equation is a quadratic that could be solved by gathering terms and using the quadratic formula. However, it can be solved more simply if x is negligible compared to co, i.e., if cox ~ co. In other words, if so little of the acid reacts that the acid concentration is essentially unchanged. Making this substitution, we obtain the following expression for a weak acid
Ka =
which can be solved for x, the concentration of the hydronium ion or the conjugate base (A1–), with Equation 6.6.
( 6.6 )
[H3O1+] = [A1−] =
Concentrations in an Aqueous Solution of HA
Although neglecting x in the cox term is acceptable most of the time, there are times (Ka is large or co is small) when x is not negligible. Consequently, you should use the above expression only when solving for the squared term, and you should always check your result to see if it is indeed negligible. An easy way to determine whether the approximation is valid is given next.

6.4-4. Five Percent Rule

Equation 6.6 is an easy way to determine the concentrations in a solution of a weak acid, but the approximation used to derive it is not always valid, so the answer should always be checked. There are two ways to check whether x is negligible:

6.4-5. Solving Without Approximation

If the answer produced by Equation 6.6
[H3O1+] = [A1−] =
is greater than 5% of co, the terms in Equation 6.5
Ka =
must be gathered in the form of a quadratic equation
(ax2 + bx + c = 0)
and solved with the quadratic formula given below.
x =
b ±
b2 − 4ac
Quadratic Formula
However, Equation 6.6
[H3O1+] = [A1−] =
is so easy to use, that it is usually simpler to use it and check to be certain that x is within the 5% limit. This is especially true since most of the acids and concentrations we deal with in this course are so weak that the 5% rule is usually obeyed. However, for the stronger of the weak acids or for very dilute solutions, more than 5% of the acid may react, so always check.

6.4-6. Method for Weak Acid Problems

Equations 6.5
Ka =
and 6.6
[H3O1+] = [A1−] =
indicate that three terms (co, x, and Ka) are required to establish a weak acid equilibrium. Consequently, there are three different types of problems that are solved using these equations. The three differ in the identity of the unknown.

6.4-7. Determining the pH Exercise

Exercise 6.7:

What is the pH of a 0.10-M solution of acetic acid?
CH3COOH + H2O H3O1+ + CH3COO1−
First, look up the Ka of acetic acid in the resource titled Acid-Base Table with pKa.
Ka = 1.8e-5_0__ The tabulated Ka of acetic acid is 1.8e–5.
Then use Equation 6.6
[H3O1+] = [A1−] =
with the Ka and the given initial concentration to determine x = [H3O1+].
[H3O1+] = 0.0013_0__ Use Ka = 1.8e–05 and Equation 6.6: H3O1+] = (coKa)1/2 = 0.0013 M.
Check approximation: 0.10 – 0.0013 = 0.10 M. Approximation is valid. Alternatively, 0.0013/0.10 = 0.013, so the acid is only 1.3% dissociated, which is less than 5%, so the approximation is valid.
Finally, convert [H3O1+] into pH.
pH = 2.87_0__ pH = –log [H3O1+]

6.4-8. Determining the pH Exercise

Exercise 6.8:

What is the pH of a 0.080-M solution of ammonium nitrate? Ammonium ion is a weak acid.
NH41+ + H2O H3O1+ + NH3
(The relevant pKa can be found in the Acid-Base Table with pKa.)
Ka = 5.6e-10_0__ The value in Acid-Base Table with pKa is 5.6e–10.
[H3O1+] = 6.7e-6_0__ Use Equation 6.6: [H3O1+] = (coKa)1/2 = 6.7e–6 M, which is certainly negligible compared to 0.080 M. M
pH = 5.17_0__ pH = –log [H3O1+]

6.4-9. Determining Ka Exercise

Exercise 6.9:

If a 0.0750-M solution of formic acid has a pH of 2.447, what is the Ka of formic acid?
CHOOH + H2O CHOO1– + H3O1+
The equilibrium concentrations are as follows.
[H3O1+] = 0.00357_0__ [H3O1+] = 10–pH = 10–2.447 = 0.00357 M M
[CHOO1–] = 0.00357_0__ [CHOO1–] = [H3O1+] = 0.00357 M M
[CHOOH] = 0.0714_0__ [CHOOH] = cox = 0.0750 – 0.00357 = 0.0714 M M
Ka = 1.79e-4_0__
Ka =

6.4-10. Determining the Makeup Concentration Exercise

Exercise 6.10:

What initial concentration of a KHSO4 solution would be required to make a pH = 2.00 solution?
HSO41– + H2O SO42– + H3O1+
(The relevant pKa can be found in the Acid-Base Table with pKa.)
Ka = 0.012_0__ The Acid-Base Table with pKa lists a value of 0.012.
The equilibrium concentrations are as follows.
[H3O1+] = 0.010_0_2_ [H3O1+] = 10–pH = 10–2.00 M
[SO42–] = 0.010_0_2_ [SO42–] = [H3O1+] M
[HSO41–] = 0.0083_0__
HSO41− =
= 8.3e−3 M
co = 0.018_0__ The initial concentration equals the equilibrium concentration plus the concentration of the species formed in the reaction co = [HSO41–] + x = 0.0083 + 0.010 = 0.018 M.

6.4-11. Percent Ionization

We now show that the fraction of an acid that reacts depends upon both its concentration and its acid dissociation constant. We start by reproducing the equilibrium line in the reaction table for a weak acid reacting with water.
HA + H2O H3O1+ A1–
eq cox x x
Of the initial concentration co, x mol/L react, so the fraction that reacts is x/co. If we assume that the amount that reacts is negligible (cox = co), we can use Equation 6.6
[H3O1+] = [A1−] =
to determine x as (coKa)1/2. Substitution of this value of x into the expression for the fraction that reacts produces the following.
fraction dissociating =
Multiplication of the above by 100% gives us the percent ionization (reaction) of a weak acid.
( 6.7 )
percent ionization =
× 100%
Percent Ionization of a Weak Acid
Note that the percent that reacts depends upon both Ka and co. Thus, the 5% rule is obeyed by acids with low Ka values and relatively high concentrations. Consider the following table that compares the percent ionization of nitrous (Ka = 4.0e–4), acetic (Ka = 1.8e–5), and hypochlorous (Ka = 3.5e–8) acids as a function of their concentrations.
Molarity HNO2 CH3COOH HOCl
1.0 2.0% 0.42% 0.019%
0.10 6.1%* 1.3% 0.059%
0.010 18%* 4.2% 0.19%
0.00010 83%* 34%* 1.9%
Table 6.3: Percent Ionization of Selected Acids
*The percent ionization exceeds 5% in these cases, so the quadratic formula was used to determine x.

6.4-12. Percent Ionization Exercise

Exercise 6.11:

What is the percent ionization and pH of 0.026 M HF? (The relevant pKa can be found in the Acid-Base Table with pKa.)
HF + H2O F1– + H3O1+
Ka =
7.2e-4_0__ See the Acid-Base Table with pKa.

% dissociation using Equation 6.7
percent ionization =
× 100%
7.2 × 10−4
× 100% = 17%

[H3O1+] using the quadratic formula =
4.0e-3_0_2_ Setup the Ka expression.
7.2e−4 =
0.026 − x

Gather terms in the form of a quadratic equation.
x2 + 7.2e−4x − 1.87e−5 = 0

Use a = 1, b = 7.2e–4, and c = –1.87e–5 in the quadratic formula. The concentration cannot be negative, so only the plus operator is used with the squareroot to obtain [H3O1+] = 0.0040 M.

% dissociation =
% =
0.0040 M
0.026 M
× 100% = 15%

pH =
2.40_0_3_ pH = –log(0.0040) = 2.40

6.5 Polyprotic Acids


Polyprotic acids contain two or more protons. For example, H2S is diprotic and H3PO4 is triprotic. There are some polyprotic acids that contain more than three protons, but we will not consider any of these acids. The conjugate base of a polyprotic acid is also an acid, and the solution of a polyprotic acid is really a solution of more than one acid. Although it might seem that this would make the treatment of these acids very difficult, determining the concentrations of the species present in a polyprotic acid is not much different than determining the concentrations in a solution of a monoprotic acid.


6.5-1. Phosphoric Acid Overview

We examine a 0.10-M solution of phosphoric acid as an example because it contains three protons and is the most complicated. The three deprotonation steps are the following.
H3PO4 + H2O H2PO41– + H3O1+ K1 = 7.5 × 10–5
H2PO41– + H2O HPO42– + H3O1+ K2 = 6.2 × 10–8
HPO42– + H2O PO43– + H3O1+ K3 = 4.8 × 10–13

Note that each K value is over 1,000 times smaller than the preceding value. This is the case for most polyprotic acids, and it is why polyprotic acids can be treated in a relatively simple manner. The large decrease in K means that a negligible amount of each acid reacts in each step, so the concentration of any species is the concentration determined in the first step in which it is produced. The method we will use to find the concentrations of all species is the following: We next examine each of these steps more closely.

6.5-2. Phosphoric Acid Step 1

Essentially all of the hydronium ion in a solution of a polyprotic acid is produced in the first deprotonation step.
The reaction table for the first step in the deprotonation of 0.10 M H3PO4 is as follows.
H3PO4 + H2O H2PO41– + H3O1+ K1 = 7.5 × 10–3
initial 0.10 0 0 M
Δ x +x +x M
eq 0.10 – x x x M
H3PO4 is about five hundred times stronger than acetic acid so x is probably not negligible in a 0.10 M solution, but we try the approximation to be sure.
x = (coKa)1/2 = {(0.10)(7.5e−3)}1/2 = 0.027 M
The result represents a 27% dissociation, which is well above the 5% limit. The approximation cannot be used, so we must solve for x with the quadratic formula as follows:
Set up the Ka expression.
7.5e−3 =
0.10 − x
Multiply both sides by (0.10 – x) to get x out of the denominator.
(7.5e−3)(0.10 − x) = x2
Carry out the multiplication on the left side.
7.5e−4 − 7.5e−3x = x2
Gather terms in the form of a quadratic equation.
x2 + 7.5e−3x − 7.5e−4 = 0
Compare the above to the quadratic equation to obtain the following.
a = 1, b = 7.5e−3, and c = −7.5e−4
Use these values in quadratic formula to obtain the following.
x = [H3O1+] = [H2PO41−] = 0.024 M
Use [H3PO4] = cox to obtain the following.
[H3PO4] = 0.10 − 0.02 = 0.08 M
Next we use these concentrations in the second deprotonation.

6.5-3. Phosphoric Acid Step 2

The reaction table for the second deprotonation step is the same as that for the dissociation of 0.024 M H2PO41– except that the initial concentration of [H3O1+] is also 0.024 M as a result of the dissociation of H3PO4.
H2PO41– + H2O HPO42– + [H3O1+] K2 = 6.2 × 10–8
initial 0.024 0 0.024 M
Δ x 0 +x M
eq 0.024 – x x 0.024 + x M
Set up the equilibrium constant expression.
Ka =
Substitute the given Ka and the entries in the equilibrium line.
6.2e−8 =
x(0.024 + x)
0.024 − x
If x is negligible then 0.024 + x = 0.024 – x and the two terms cancel in the K2 expression to yield [HPO42–] = K2 = 6.2e–8, which is certainly negligible compared to 0.024. We conclude the following.
The concentration of the ion produced in the second deprotonation of a polyprotic acid equals K2, the equilibrium constant for the deprotonation.

6.5-4. Phosphoric Acid Step 3

The reaction table for the third deprotonation step is the same as dissociation of HPO42– except that the initial concentration of [H3O1+] is 0.024 M from the first step and that of H2PO41– is 6.2e–8 M as a result of the second step.
HPO42– + H2O PO43– + [H3O1+] K3 = 4.8 × 10–13
initial 6.2e–8 0 0.024 M
Δ x +x +x M
eq 6.2e–8 x 0.024 M
x has been assumed to be negligible compared to the initial concentrations. Set up the equilibrium constant expression.
K3 =
Substitute the given Ka and the entries in the equilibrium line.
4.8e−13 =
Solve for x = [PO43–] to obtain
[PO43−] =
= 1.2e−18 M
which is negligible. Indeed, there is hardly any phosphate ion present in 0.1 M phosphoric acid. In summary, the concentrations of the phosphorus containing species are as follows. Note that the sum of the concentrations should be 0.10 M, the make-up concentration of H3PO4. The fact that the sum, 0.08 + 0.024 = 0.104 M, does not equal the total added initially is due to the number of significant figures; i.e., the final digit in the sum is not significant.

6.5-5. Hydrogen Sulfide Exercise

Exercise 6.12:

A saturated solution of hydrogen sulfide is 0.10 M at 1 atm and 25 °C. What are the concentrations of all species present in a saturated H2S solution? (K1 = 1.0e-7 and K2 = 1.3e-13.)
First, determine the concentrations of the species involved in the first reaction. Use "x" as the unknown identifier, and assume that it is negligible compared to 0.10 M on the "eq" line.
H2S + H2O HS1– + H3O1+ K1 = 1.0e–07
0.10_0_2_ The initial concentration of H2S is given as 0.10 M.
0_0__ There is no HS1– until the reaction takes place.
0_0__ Assume that there is no H3O1+ until the reaction takes place.
o_-x_s H2S disappears.
o_+x_s HS1– increases by the same amount that H2S decreases. Include the sign.
o_+x_s H3O1+ increases by the same amount that H2S decreases. Include the sign.
0.10_0_2_ The amount of H2S that reacts is negligible.
o_x_s Sum the Δ and eq lines. Use no sign.
o_x_s Sum the Δ and eq lines. Use no sign.
[HS1–] = 1.0e-4_0_2_ Use Equation 6.6: [HS1–] = {(0.10)(1.0e–07)}1/2 = 1.0e–04 M. M

[H3O1+] = 1.0e-4_0_2_ [H3O1+] = [HS1–] = 1.0e–04 M M

[H2S] = 0.10_0_2_ x is negligible, so [H2S] = 0.10 M. M
Next, determine the concentration of the species formed in the second reaction. Use "y" as the unknown identifier, and assume it is negligible on the "eq" line.
HS1– + H2O S2– + H3O1+ K2 = 1.3e–13
1.0e-4_0_2_ The initial concentration of HS1– is the equilibrium concentration found above.
0_0__ There is no S2– until the reaction takes place.
1.0e-4_0_2_ The initial concentration of H3O1+ is the equilibrium concentration found above.
o_-y_s HS1– disappears.
o_+y_s S2– increases by the same amount that HS1– decreases. Include the sign.
o_+y_s H3O1+ increases by the same amount that HS1– decreases. Include the sign.
1.0e-4_0_2_ The amount of HS1– that reacts is negligible.
o_y_s Sum the Δ and eq lines. Use no sign.
1.0e-4_0_2_ Sum the Δ and eq lines. Use no sign.
[S2–] = 1.3e-13_0__ S2– ion is the ion produced in the second step, [S2–] = K2 = 1.3e–13 M. M

6.5-6. Carbonic Acid Exercise

Exercise 6.13:

Determine the pH and the concentrations of all carbon containing species in 0.18 M H2CO3 solution.
H2CO3 + H2O HCO31– + H3O1+    K1 = 4.3e–7

HCO31– + H2O CO32– + H3O1+    K2 = 4.7e–11
[H2CO3] = 0.18_0__ x is negligible. M
[HCO31–] = 2.8e-4_0__
Use [H3O1+] = [A1−] =
[H3O1+] = 2.8e-4_0__ [H3O1+] [HCO31–] M
pH = 3.56_0__ pH = –log [H3O1+]
[CO32–] = 4.7e-11_0__ CO32– ion is the ion produced in the second step. M

6.5-7. Sulfuric Acid Exercise

Exercise 6.14:

What are the H3O1+, HSO41–, and SO42– concentrations in 0.10 M sulfuric acid?
Sulfuric acid is a strong acid and its conjugate base (hydrogen sulfate ion) is one of the strongest weak acids, so this exercise is a little different.
H2SO4 + H2O HSO41– + H3O1+    extensive

HSO41– + H2O SO42– + H3O1+    K = 0.012
After the extensive deprotonation of H2SO4:
[H3O1+] = 0.10_0_2_ H2SO4 is a strong acid. M

[HSO41–] = 0.10_0_2_ H2SO4 is a strong acid. M
Assume the amount of HSO41– that reacts in the second step is negligible.
SO42– = 0.012_0__ Sulfate ion is the second ion produced, so its concentration would equal K if x were negligible. M
However, that would require a 12% reaction, so the amount that reacts is not negligible. Use the quadratic formula to obtain the equilibrium concentrations.
[SO42–] = 0.0098_0__ The neglect-x assumption is not valid, so the equation must be rearranged and the quadratic formula must be used.
Ka = 0.012 =
(0.10 + x)(x)
(0.10 − x)

Multiply both sides by (0.10 – x) to eliminate the denominator, and gather terms to put the resulting equation into the form appropriate for the quadratic formula.
x2 + 0.112x − 0.0012 = 0

Apply the quadratic formula to obtain the value of x = [SO42–].
x =
−0.112 +
((0.112)2 + 4(0.0012))
= 0.0098 M
[HSO41–] = 0.09_0__ [HSO41–] = 0.10 – x = 0.10 – 0.01 = 0.09 M M
[H3O1+] = 0.11_0__ [H3O1+] = 0.10 + x = 0.10 + 0.01 = 0.11 M M

6.6 Strong Bases


The solutions of strong bases are usually made by dissolving metal hydroxides in water. In this section, we discuss how the pH of a strong base solution is determined.


6.6-1. Strong Base Solutions

Dissolving a metal hydroxide in water is represented by the following chemical equation.
M(OH)n Mn+ + nOH1−
[OH1–] = nco in such a solution. However, most metal hydroxides are only sparingly soluble, so the metal is normally a Group 1 metal ion (n = 1) or Ba2+ (n = 2) in solutions with appreciable hydroxide ion concentrations.

6.6-2. Exercise

Exercise 6.15:

What is the pH of a solution labeled 0.16 M Ba(OH)2 at 25 °C? pH cannot be determined directly for a base, so we can either convert the hydroxide ion concentration to a hydronium concentration and then determine the pH, or we can convert the hydroxide ion concentration to a pOH and then to a pH. We choose the latter.
OH1– = 0.32_0__ [OH1–] = nco = 2(0.16) = 0.32 M M
pOH = 0.49_0__ pOH = –log [OH1–] = –log(0.32) = 0.49
pH = 13.51_0__ H = 14.00 – pOH = 14.00 – 0.49 = 13.51

6.7 Weak Bases


Weak bases are treated in a manner identical to that used for weak acids.


6.7-1. Weak Base-Water Reaction

The equilibrium constant for the reaction of a base and water has the symbol, Kb. Kb is small for weak bases, so only a portion of a weak base reacts with water. Thus, the Δ line entries of the reaction table are unknown. Consider the reaction of a generic weak base A1– with water.
A1– + H2O OH1– + HA
initial co 0 0
Δ x x x
initial cox x x
Water is the solvent, so it is treated as a pure liquid (activity = 1), so the Kb expression is the following.
( 6.8 )
Kb =
Weak Base Equilibrium Constant
If we assume that the extent of reaction of the weak base is negligible, i.e., cox = co, we can express the Kb expression as follows.
Kb =
which can be solved for x, the concentration of the hydroxide ion or the conjugate acid (HA).
( 6.9 )
[OH−1] = [HA] =
Solving the Kb Expression

6.7-2. Relating Ka and Kb

Consider the product of the Ka of HA (a weak acid) and the Kb of A1– (its conjugate base).
(Ka)(Kb) =
Note that [A1–] appears in the numerator of Ka and in the denominator of Kb, so the two terms cancel. Similarly, [HA] appears in the denominator of Ka and in the numerator of Kb, so these two terms cancel as well. Canceling these terms results in the following.
(Ka)(Kb) = [H3O1+][OH1−]
Substitution of Kw for [H3O1+][OH1–] produces Equation 6.10.
( 6.10 )
KaKb = Kw
Relating Ka and Kb of a Conjugate Acid-Base Pair
The Acid-Base Table with pKa gives only Ka and pKa, so Equation 6.10 must be used to determine the Kb of the conjugate base. At 25 °C, Kw = 1.0e–14, so the following can be used to determine the Kb at 25 °C.
( 6.11 )
Kb =
1.0 × 10−14
Kb from Ka at 25 °C

6.7-3. Weak Base pH Exercise

Exercise 6.16:

What is the pH of a solution that is 0.12 M in NO21–? (The relevant pKa can be found in the Acid-Base Table with pKa.)
Kb = 2.5e-11_0__ Ka of HNO2 = 4.0e–04, so
Kb =
= 2.5e−11
[OH–1] = 1.7e-6_0__ Use Equation 6.9: [OH1–] = {(2.5e–11)(0.12)}1/2 = 1.7e–06 M M
pOH = 5.76_0__ pOH = –log [OH1–] = –log(1.7e–06) = 5.76
pH = 8.24_0__ pH = pKw – pOH = 14.00 – 5.76 = 8.24

6.7-4. pKa and pKb

Acid and base constants are frequently given on the p-scale as follows.
( 6.12 )
pKa = −log(Ka)
pKb = −log(Kb)
pKa and pKb Definitions
Due to the minus sign in the definition, a higher pKa or pKb indicates a weaker acid or base. Taking the negative logarithm of both sides of Equation 6.10
KaKb = Kw
produces the following relationship.
( 6.13 )
pKa + pKb = pKw = 14.00 at 25 °C
pKa and pKb Relationship

6.7-5. Determining Kb Exercise

Exercise 6.17:

The pH of a 0.085-M solution of methylamine is 11.77. What are the Kb of methylamine (CH3NH2) and the pKa of CH3NH31+, its conjugate acid?
[OH1–] = 5.9e-3_0__ pOH = pKw – pH = 14.00 – 11.77 = 2.23
[OH1–] = 10–pOH = 10–2.23 = 5.9e–03 M
[CH3NH31+] = 5.9e-3_0__ [CH3NH31+] = [OH1–] M
[CH3NH2] = 0.079_0__ [CH3NH2] = cox = 0.085 – 0.006 = 0.079 M M
Kb = 4.4e-4_0__
Kb =
= 4.4e−04
pKa of CH3NH31+ = 10.64_0__ pKb = –log(4.4e–4) = 3.36
pKa = 14.00 – pKb = 14.00 – 3.36 = 10.64

6.7-6. pKa, pKb, Ka, and Kb Exercise

Exercise 6.18:

Lactic acid is usually prepared by fermentation of starch, cane sugar, or whey. Large amounts of lactic acid in muscle lead to fatigue and can cause cramps. Lactic acid, generated in milk by fermentation of lactose, causes milk to sour. Lactic acid is used in the preparation of cheese, soft drinks, and other food products. Its stucture is given below. The proton with a circle around it is the acidic proton.
Structure of lactic acid. The H bonded to the C  with a double bond to O is the acidic proton.
The pKa of lactic acid is 3.89.
Ka of lactic acid = 1.3e-4_0__ Ka = 10–pKa = 10–3.89
pKb of lactate ion = 10.11_0__ pKb = pKw – pKa = 14.00 – 3.89
Kb of lactate ion = 7.8e-11_0__ Kb = 10–pKb = 10–10.11

6.7-7. Bases of Polyprotic Acids

Bases that can accept more than one proton are treated much the same way as polyprotic acids. Consider the case of the sulfide ion, which can accept two protons. Note that the two Kb values differ by a factor of about a million. Thus, the hydroxide produced in the second step is negligible compared to that produced in the first step. Consequently, the hydroxide ion concentration in an aqueous solution of a base that can accept more than one proton can usually be determined by considering only the first step.

6.7-8. Base of a Polyprotic Acid Exercise

Exercise 6.19:

What is the pH of 0.064 M sulfide ion? (The relevant pKa can be found in the Acid-Base Table with pKa.)
Kb = 0.077_0__ Use
KaKb = Kw
and the tabulated Ka of the conjugate acid.
[OH1–] = 0.070_0_2_
using Equation 6.9
[OH−1] = [HA] =
. Check 5% assumption.
[OH1–] = 0.042_0__ The quadratic equation that must be solved is x2 + 0.077x – 0.0049 = 0.
using quadratic formula if assumption is not valid.
pOH = 1.38_0__ pOH = –log(0.042)

pH = 12.62_0__ pH = 14.00 – pOH at 25 °C

6.8 Salts of Weak Acids and Bases


Salts are ionic compounds that are produced in acid-base reactions. The anion of the salt is the conjugate base of the reacting acid, and the cation is usually a metal ion that was associated with the reacting base. For example, the reaction between NaOH and HCl is the acid-base reaction between H3O1+ and OH1–. Na1+ ion, the metal ion associated with the reacting base and Cl1–, the conjugate base of the reacting acid serve as spectator ions. Combination of the spectator ions produces a salt, NaCl. Salts can be acidic, basic, or neutral depending upon the relative acidity/basicity of the cation and anion. In this section, we discuss the acid-base properties of salts.


6.8-1. Acid-Base Properties of Cations and Anions

Small, highly-charged metal cations have orbitals available to accept electron pairs to form covalent bonds, so they are Lewis acidic. However, the available orbitals of the 1A metal ions are so high in energy that these ions are not acidic in aqueous solutions. Thus, 1A metal ions do not impact the acidity or basicity of a salt. For simplicity, we will limit our use of metal ions to 1A metal ions. The only other common cation is NH41+, which is acidic. Most anions readily accept the positive charge of a proton, so anions are usually good bases. The exceptions are the conjugate bases of the strong acids (ClO41–, Cl1–, Br1–, I1–, and NO31–), which are neutral, and the protonated anions (HSO41–, HSO31– and H2PO41–), which are acidic.

6.8-2. Acid-Base Properties of Salts

A salt can be acidic, basic, or neutral depending upon the relative acid and base strengths of the cation and anion.

6.8-3. Predicting Salt Basicity and Acidity Exercise

Exercise 6.20:

Indicate whether a solution of each of the following salts is acidic, basic, or neutral.
  • acidic The salt of a 1A metal and the conjugate base of a strong acid is neutral.
  • basic The salt of a 1A metal and the conjugate base of a strong acid is neutral.
  • neutral
  • acidic The 1A metal ion is neutral, but sulfide is basic.
  • basic
  • neutral The 1A metal ion is neutral, but sulfide is basic.
  • acidic
  • basic Ka(NH41+) = 5.6e–10 and Kb(NO21–) = 2.5e–11. Ka > Kb, so salt is acidic.
  • neutral Ka(NH41+) = 5.6e–10 and Kb(NO21–) = 2.5e–11. Ka > Kb, so salt is acidic.
  • acidic Ka(NH41+) = 5.6e–10 and Kb(PO43–) = 2.1e–2. Kb > Ka, so salt is basic.
  • basic
  • neutral Ka(NH41+) = 5.6e–10 and Kb(PO43–) = 2.1e–2. Kb > Ka, so salt is basic.
  • acidic Ka(NH41+) = 5.6e–10 and Kb(C2H3O2) = 5.6e–10. Kb = Ka, so salt is neutral.
  • basic Ka(NH41+) = 5.6e–10 and Kb(C2H3O2) = 5.6e–10. Kb = Ka, so salt is neutral.
  • neutral

6.8-4. Determining the pH of a Salt Exercise

Exercise 6.21:

What is the pH of a solution prepared by dissolving 3.5 g of KF (Mm = 58.1 g·mol–1) in sufficient water to make 150 mL of solution? (The relevant pKa can be found in the Acid-Base Table with pKa.)
Kb for F1– = 1.4e-11_0__ Ka(HF) = 7.2e–4 from the Acid-Base Table with pKw.
Kb =
= 1.4e−11
mol F1– = 0.060_0_2_
3.5 g KF ×
1 mol KF
58.1 g KF
1 mol F1−
1 mol KF
= 0.060 mol F1−
[F1–] = 0.40_0_2_
[F1−] =
0.060 mol F1−
0.15 L solution
= 0.40 M
[OH1–] = 2.4e-6_0__ [OH1–] = (coKb)1/2; co = [F1–] M
pOH = 5.63_0__ pOH = –log [OH1–] = –log(2.3664e–06) = 5.63. Note extra significant figures carried from the previous answer.
pH = 8.37_0__ pH = 14.00 – pOH = 14.00 – 5.63 = 8.37

6.9 Amphiprotic Salts


Amphiprotic salts are both acids and bases, so their aqueous equilibria are slightly more complicated than those of weak acids or bases. In this section, we discuss the equilibria and give a simple expression for determining their pH.


6.9-1. Acid Equilibrium

As shown in the figure, HCO31– is an amphiprotic substance because it can behave as both an acid and a base.
Figure 6.3: Amphiprotic Substances are Both Acids and Bases
HCO31– is amphiprotic because its acidic proton can be lost (arrow A) or a lone pair on the oxygen with negative formal charge can accept a proton (arrow B).
It produces hydronium ion through its Ka reaction.
HCO31− + H2O CO32− + H3O1+    Ka2 =
= 4.7e−11
For every mole of hydronium produced, a mole of carbonate ion is also produced; i.e.,
[OH1−]produced = [CO32−]
The concentration of hydronium ion produced in this step equals the equilibrium concentration of its conjugate base, carbonate ion. However, HCO31– also produces hydroxide ion through its Kb reaction.
HCO31− + H2O H2CO3 + OH1−    Kb1 =
= 2.3e−8
For every mole of hydroxide ion produced, a mole of carbonic acid is also produced; i.e.,
[OH1−]produced = [H2CO3]
Each mole of hydroxide ion that is produced consumes a mole of hydronium ion (H3O1+ + OH1– 2 H2O). Thus, the following is true.
[OH1−]produced = [H3O1+]consumed = [H2CO3]
The equilibrium hydronium ion concentration is the following.
[H3O1+] = [H3O1+]produced − [H3O1+]consumed = [CO32−] − [H2CO3]
The concentrations of CO32– and H2CO3 can be obtained from Ka2 and Kb1. After some algebra and the assumption that [HCO31–] >> Ka1, we arrive at the result below.
( 6.13 )
pH =
(pK1 + pK2)
pH of an Amphiprotic Salt
The pH of an amphiprotic substance is half-way between its pKa (pK2) and that of its conjugate acid (pK1) so long as its concentration is much larger than the Ka of its conjugate acid, Ka1.

6.10 Exercises and Solutions

Select the links to view either the end-of-chapter exercises or the solutions to the odd exercises.