
Chapter 8 – Equilibria Containing Metal Ions


Several different equilibria must be considered when dealing with aqueous metal ions: In this chapter, all three of these types of equilibria are considered.

8.1 Acid-Base Equilibria


While metal ions rarely have protons to donate as required by the Brønsted acid definition, they can accept electron pairs to form covalent bonds, which makes them acidic by the Lewis definition. Thus, an aqueous solution of iron(III) nitrate is acidic even though it contains no protons.


8.1-1. Metal Ions as Acids

Metal ions form acidic solutions because the positive charge on the metal ion weakens the O–H bonds of the bound water molecules.
Fe(NO3)3 is a strong electrolyte that dissociates completely into Fe3+ and NO31– ions. The small, highly charged iron(III) ion interacts with the surrounding water molecules in a Lewis acid-base reaction to produce Fe(H2O)63+, the octahedral ion in Figure 8.1. Ions, such as Fe(H2O)63+, that consist of a metal ion bound to several molecules or anions are called complex ions, and the bound molecules or anions are referred to as ligands. The positive charge of the central metal ion withdraws electron density from the O–H bonds, which weakens them and makes the water ligands stronger acids.
curved arrow diagram
Figure 8.1: Acidity of Metal Ions
Thus, the acidity of Fe3+ ions arises from the following reaction:
Fe(H2O)63+ + H2O [Fe(H2O)5OH]2+ + H3O1+          K = 6e-03
which is the reaction of a weak acid with water, so the equilibrium constant is the Ka of the weak acid Fe(H2O)63+. Note that Fe(H2O)63+ is a stronger acid than acetic acid (Ka = 1.8e–05). The Ka values of several hydrated metal ions are listed in the table.
Hydrated Metal Ion Ka
Fe(H2O)63+ 6e–03
Al(H2O)63+ 1e–05
Cu(H2O)62+ 3e–08
Zn(H2O)62+ 1e–09
Ni(H2O)62+ 1e–10
Table 8.1: Acid Dissociation Constants of Hydrated Metal Ions

8.2 Dissolution and the Solubility Product Constant


Calcium carbonate (also known as limestone) is a slightly soluble salt that is responsible for scale in containers of hard water. In addition, caves and the unusual structures in them called stalactites and stalagmites are the result of dissociation and subsequent precipitation of calcium carbonate. This important dissociation process is represented in the following equilibrium:
CaCO3(s) Ca2+(aq) + CO32–(aq)          K = [Ca2+][CO32–]
This type of process, the equilibrium between a solid and its ions in solution, is an important one and forms the topic of this section.


8.2-1. The Solubility Product

The equilibrium between a solid and its solution is an important one. Indeed, it is so important that the equilibrium is given a special symbol and name: the solubility product constant (Ksp). Consider the equilibrium between solid silver chloride and its solution:
AgCl Ag1+ + Cl1−.
The activity of the solid is unity, so the form of the equilibrium constant, Ksp, for the reaction is
Ksp = [Ag1+][Cl1−].
It is called the solubility product constant because it is simply a product of concentrations that indicates the solubility of the solid.
Most slightly soluble salts contain basic anions, which are involved in both acid-base equilibria with water and salt dissolution equilibria with metal ions. This can lead to a complicated set of equilibria in the case of fairly strong bases such as CO32– and PO43–. Consequently, our discussions of solubility in water centers on the solubility of neutral or only weakly basic anions, such as Cl1– and SO42–. The reaction table for the dissociation of Ag2SO4 in water has the following form:
Ag2SO4(s) 2 Ag1+ + SO42– Ksp = 1.4 × 10–5
initial enough 0 0
equilibrium some
where x is the molar solubility of silver sulfate. The activity of a solid is unity, so it does not enter into the equilibrium constant expression. Consequently, the amount of solid is irrelevant so long as there is enough of the solid initially to assure that there is some solid present at equilibrium. The Ksp expression is
Ksp = 1.4 × 10−5 = [Ag1+]2[SO42−] = (2x)2(x) = 4x3
Solving the above expression for x, we obtain the molar solubility of silver sulfate and the ion concentrations in a saturated solution in terms of the solubility product constant.
x =
= [SO42−] =
Substituting 1.4 × 10–5 = Ksp, we obtain the following: We can check our calculation by substituting concentrations back into the Ksp expression:
Ksp = [Ag1+]2[SO42−] = (0.030)2(0.015) = 1.4e−05
Ksp values can be found in Selected Solubility Product Constants in the Resources.

8.2-2. Ksp from Solubility Exercise

Exercise 8.1:

What is the Ksp of MgF2 (Mm = 62.3 g/mol) if its solubility is 7.6 mg/100. mL?
The molar solubility of MgF2 =
1.2e-3_0__ 7.6 mg/100. mL = 76 mg/1 L = 0.076 g/L
0.076 g MgF2
1 L solution
1 mol MgF2
62.3 g MgF2
1.2e−03 mol MgF2
1 L solution
= 1.2e−03 M
[Mg2+] =
1.2e-3_0__ There is one mole of Mg for each mole of MgF2, so
[Mg2+] = x = 1.2e–03 M.
[F1–] =
2.4e-3_0__ There are two moles of F for each mole of MgF2, so
[F1–] = 2x = 2(1.2e–03) = 2.4e–03 M.
K =
7.3e-9_0__ Carry along extra significant figures to reduce rounding errors:
[Mg2+][F1–]2 = (1.22e–03)×(2.44e–03)2 = 7.3e–09.

8.2-3. Ksp from pH Exercise

Exercise 8.2:

What is the Ksp of Fe(OH)2 if the pH of a saturated solution is 9.07? Watch out for rounding errors!
[OH1–] =
pOH = 14.00 − pH
= 14.00 – 9.07
= 4.93;

    [OH1−] = 10–4.93
= 1.2e–05 M
[Fe2+] =
5.9e-6_0__ Watch out for rounding errors! There are two moles of OH1– for every on mole of Fe2+, so [Fe2+] = [OH1–]/2 = 5.9e–06 M. M
K =
8.1e-16_0__ Carry along extra significant figures to reduce rounding errors:
[Fe2+][OH1–]2 = (5.874e–06)×(1.175e–05)2 = 8.1e–16

8.2-4. Solubility from Ksp Exercise

Exercise 8.3:

The Ksp of AgI is 8.3e–17. What is its molar solubility?
Molar solubility =
9.1e-9_0__ Ksp = [Ag1+][I1–] = x2, so x = Ksp1/2 M

8.2-5. Ksp and Strong Bases

Let us now determine the solubility of the salt of Ag3PO4; Ksp = 2.6 × 10–18. The reaction table for the dissolution has the following form:
Ag3PO4(s) 3 Ag1+ + PO43–
initial enough 0 0
equilibrium some
Ksp = [Ag1+]3[PO43–] = (3x)3(x) = 27x4
Solving 27x4 = 2.6 × 10–18 for x, we obtain a solubility of 1.8 × 10–5 M. However, the measured solubility is 1.5 × 10–4. Thus, the actual solubility is over eight times greater than that determined with Ksp. The Ksp is correct, and it is still obeyed. However, PO43– is a fairly strong base, so some of the PO43– that is produced by the dissolution reacts with water to produce HPO42– and OH1–. Therefore,
Ksp = [Ag1+]3[PO43−]
is still valid, but the loss of PO43– in the reaction with water means that the equality
3[Ag1+] = [PO43–]
is no longer valid. This is why we restrict our discussion of solubility to neutral or weakly basic salts only. We treat the solubility of Ag3PO4 in more detail in Section 8.4.

8.2-6. Cation:Anion Ratios in Ksp

The preceding examples demonstrate that the form of the Ksp expression in terms of the molar solubility of the salt (x) depends only upon the cation:anion ratio in the salt. The Ksp expressions for the common ratios are given below.
Cation:Anion Ratio Ksp
1:1 x2
1:2 or 2:1 4x3
1:3 or 3:1 27x4
2:3 or 3:2 108x5
Table 8.2: Ksp expressions in terms of molar solubilities (x) for salts with common cation:anion ratios
The relative solubilities of salts with the same cation:anion ratios can be obtained by simply looking at the magnitudes of their Ksp's. However, when the ratios are different, you must determine the value of x.

8.2-7. Determining Relative Solubilities Exercise

Exercise 8.4:

List the following salts in order of increasing solubility.

PbCl2 Ksp = 1.7e–5
AgCl Ksp = 1.2e–10
TlCl Ksp = 1.9e–4
    Least soluble salt:
  • PbCl2
    AgCl: x = (1.2e−10)1/2
    ~1e−5 M
  • AgCl
  • TlCl
    AgCl: x = (1.2e−10)1/2
    ~1e−5 M
    Intermediate salt:
  • PbCl2
    TlCl: x = (1.9e−4)1/2
    = 0.014 M
  • AgCl
    TlCl: x = (1.9e−4)1/2
    = 0.014 M
  • TlCl
    Most soluble salt:
  • PbCl2
  • AgCl
    PbCl2: x = (1.7e−5)1/3
    = 0.016 M
  • TlCl
    PbCl2: x = (1.7e−5)1/3
    = 0.016 M

8.2-8. Predicting the More Soluble Salt Exercise

Exercise 8.5:

Indicate the more soluble compound in each pair.
  • PbSO4 (Ksp = 2e–8) The ion ratios are the same, so the more soluble compound is the one with the higher Ksp.
  • CaSO4 (Ksp = 2e–5)
  • BaF2 (Ksp = 2e–6)
  • PbF2 (Ksp = 4e–8) The ion ratios are the same, so the more soluble compound is the one with the higher Ksp.
  • BaCrO4 (Ksp = 2e–10) The ion ratios are NOT the same, so the solubilities must be determined. BaCrO4 is
    and Ag2CrO4 is
  • Ag2CrO4 (Ksp = 3e–12)
  • Ag3PO4 (Ksp = 2e–18)
  • Mg3(PO4)2 (Ksp = 5e–24) The ion ratios are NOT the same, so the solubilities must be determined. Ag3PO4 is
    and Mg3(PO4)2 is

8.2-9. Common-Ion Effect

Consider the dissolution of Ag2SO4(s) in 1.0 M Na2SO4.
Ag2SO4(s) 2 Ag1+ + SO42– Ksp = 1.4 × 10–5
initial enough 0 1.0 M
equilibrium some
0.10 + x
Ksp = [Ag1+]2[SO42–] = (2x)2(1.0 + x)
which would involve solving a cubic equation. However, in the beginning of this section, we determined that the solubility of Ag2SO4 in water was 0.015 M, and the presence of the common ion (sulfate) will decrease the dissociation, so
x < 0.015 M.
If we assume that x is negligible in the addition
(1.0 + x ~ 1.0),
we can simplify the expression
Ksp = (2x)2(1.0)
which is solved for x as follows:
x =
1.4 × 10−5
= 1.9 × 10−3 M
Thus, the solubility drops from 0.015 M in water down to 0.0019 M (an 88% drop) in 1.0 M Na2SO4 due to the presence of the common ion.

8.2-10. Common-Ion Solubility from pH Exercise

Exercise 8.6:

Determine the solubility of Sn(OH)2 in solutions buffered at the following pHs.
Ksp =
1.4e-28_0__ The solubility product constant can be found in Selected Solubility Product Constants.
pH = 9.00
The concentration of the common ion: [OH1–] = 1.0e-5_0_2_ pOH = 14.00 – 9.00 = 5.00; [OH1–] = 10–pOH = 1.0e–5 M
solubility 1.4e-18_0__
[Sn2+] =
= 1.4e−18 M
pH = 2.00
The concentration of the common ion: [OH1–] = 1.0e-12_0_2_ pOH = 14.00 - 2.00 = 12.00; [OH1–] = 1.0e–12 M
solubility 1.4e-4_0__
[Sn2+] =
= 1.4e−04 M

8.2-11. Solubility of AgCl Exercise

Exercise 8.7:

Ksp = 1.8e–10 for AgCl. Determine the solubility of AgCl in the following:
solubility = 1.3e-5_0__
a 1:1 salt, so x = Ksp1/2
= (1.8e–10)1.2
= 1.3e–05 M
0.10 M NaCl
solubility = 1.8e-9_0__ [Cl1–] = 0.10 M, so
[Ag1+] =
= 1.8e−09 M

8.3 Precipitation and Separation of Ions


Our discussions thus far have focused on the amount of a slightly soluble salt that dissolves, but now we consider the reverse process; i.e., does a precipitate form under a given set of concentrations? We do this by considering the dissociation reaction from the reverse direction; that is, we examine the formation (precipitation) of the salt.


8.3-1. The Ion Product

Does a solid form under a given set of conditions, or what minimum concentration of one of the ions is required to produce a precipitate? These are two questions we will answer in this section. For example, consider a mixture that contains some solid Ag2SO4(s) suspended in a solution that is 0.01 M in Ag1+ and 0.10 M in [SO42–]. Under these conditions, does the solid dissolve or does it precipitate out of solution? To answer this question, we examine the direction in which the following reaction is proceeding under these conditions.
Ag2SO4(s) 2 Ag1+ + SO42– Ksp = 1.4 × 10–5
initial ? 0.01 0.10 M
The direction in which a reaction proceeds depends upon the relative values of the reaction quotient, Q, and the equilibrium constant K. The reaction quotient for dissociation is used so frequently that it is given a special name and symbol: the ion product, Qip. In this case, Qip = [Ag1+]2[SO41–] = (0.01)2(0.10) = 1 × 10–5 and Ksp = 1.4 × 10–5. Ksp > Qip, so some salt can still dissolve and no precipitate would form.

8.3-2. Identifying Precipitating Hydroxides Exercise

Exercise 8.8:

An acidic solution is made 0.01 M in Cu2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, and Sn2+. The pH of the solution is then adjusted by adding NaOH. Select all hydroxides that precipitate at each of the following pHs.
pH = 4
Qip = 1e-22_0__ All hydroxides are of the form M(OH)2, so Qip =[M2+]
[OH1–]2[M2+] = 0.01 M
pOH = 14 – 4 = 10, so [OH1–] = 1e–10 M
Qip = (0.01)(1e–10)2 = 1e–22
pH = 6
Qip = 1e-18_0__ All hydroxides are of the form M(OH)2, so Qip =[M2+][OH1–]2
[M2+] = 0.01 M
pOH = 14 – 6 = 8, so [OH1–] = 1e–8 M
Qip = (0.01)(1e–8)2 = 1e–18
  • only Sn(OH)2
  • Sn(OH)2 and Cu(OH)2 Only the Ksp of Sn(OH)2 is less than 1e–22.
  • Sn(OH)2, Cu(OH)2, and Fe(OH)2 Only the Ksp of Sn(OH)2 is less than 1e–22.
  • All four hydroxides precipitate. Only the Ksp of Sn(OH)2 is less than 1e–22.
  • only Sn(OH)2 The Ksp's of Sn(OH)2 and Cu(OH)2 are less than 1e–18.
  • Sn(OH)2 and Cu(OH)2
  • Sn(OH)2, Cu(OH)2, and Fe(OH)2 The Ksp's of Sn(OH)2 and Cu(OH)2 are less than 1e–18.
  • All four hydroxides precipitate. The Ksp's of Sn(OH)2 and Cu(OH)2 are less than 1e–18.
pH = 8
Qip = 1e-14_0__ All hydroxides are of the form M(OH)2, so Qip =[M2+][OH1–]2
[M2+] = 0.01 M
pOH = 14 – 8 = 6, so [OH1–] = 1e–6 M
Qip = (0.01)(1e–6)2 = 1e–14
  • only Sn(OH)2 The Ksp's of Sn(OH)2, Cu(OH)2, and Fe(OH)2 are less than 1e–14.
  • Sn(OH)2 and Cu(OH)2 The Ksp's of Sn(OH)2, Cu(OH)2, and Fe(OH)2 are less than 1e–14.
  • Sn(OH)2, Cu(OH)2, and Fe(OH)2
  • All four hydroxides precipitate. The Ksp's of Sn(OH)2, Cu(OH)2, and Fe(OH)2 are less than 1e–14.

8.3-3. Identifying Precipitating Chlorides Exercise

Exercise 8.9:

Identify any precipitates that result when 5.0 mL of 0.010 M HCl is added to 20. mL of a solution in which [Tl1+] = 0.15 M and [Pb2+] = 0.20 M.
Ksp of TlCl = 1.9e–4
Ksp of PbCl2 = 1.7e–5
Concentrations after mixing:
[Cl11–] =
2.0e-3_0_2_ [Cl1–] = 0.05 mmol/25 mL M
[Tl1+] =
0.12_0__ [Tl1+] = 3.0 mmol in 25 mL M
[Pb2+] =
0.16_0__ [Pb2+] = 4.0 mmol in 25 mL M
TlCl: 2.4e-4_0__ (0.12)(0.0020)
PbCl2: 6.4e-7_0__ (0.16)(0.0020)2
    The precipitate is _______________.
  • TlCl
  • PbCl2 Qip > Ksp for TlCl but not for PbCl2

8.3-4. Determining a Required Concentration

Precipitation occurs when the ion-product exceeds the solubility product, so the concentration of one reactant that is required to initiate precipitation can be determined if the concentration of the other reactant and the Ksp are known. To determine the minimum concentration required, we solve the Ksp expression for the unknown concentration, which is the maximum concentration at which no precipitation occurs. Thus, the calculation indicates both the minimum concentration required for precipitation or the maximum concentration allowed with no precipitation.

8.3-5. Determining pH at which Precipitate Forms Exercise

Exercise 8.10:

At what pH does Mg(OH)2 (Ksp = 1.8 × 10–11) begin to precipitate from a solution that is 0.01 M in Mg2+?
Use the given Mg2+ concentration to determine the hydroxide ion concentration at which Qip = Ksp.
[OH1–] = 4e-5_0__
Ksp = [Mg2+][OH1−]2

[OH1−] =
1.8 × 10−11
= 4 × 10−5 M
Convert the hydroxide ion concentration into a pOH.
pOH = 4.4_0__ pOH = –log(4e–5) = 4.4
Convert the pOH into a pH.
pH = 9.6_0__ pH = 14.0 – 4.4 = 9.6
Precipitation occurs at pH values above 9.6, but not below.

8.3-6. Separations

Chemists frequently need to separate a mixture into its components. In the case of aqueous mixtures of ions, this can often be accomplished by selectively precipitating the ions from the solution. We demonstrate the method by separating Sn2+ and Mg2+ ions from a solution by selectively precipitating the less soluble hydroxide by adjusting the pH to a value that results in the precipitation of only one ion. The Ksp of Sn(OH)2 is much less that that of Mg(OH)2, so we will choose to precipitate Sn(OH)2 and leave Mg2+ ions in solution. We could determine the pH at which Sn(OH)2 begins to precipitate, and adjust the pH to a slightly higher value to precipitate Sn(OH)2. However, Sn2+ ions will remain in solution with the following concentration:
[Sn2+] =
In an optimum separation, the remaining Sn2+ concentration in solution should be at a minimum. To minimize the Sn2+ concentration, the hydroxide ion concentration should be as high as possible without precipitating any Mg2+ ions. Thus, we determine the hydroxide ion concentration at which Mg(OH)2 begins to precipitate and adjust the pH of the solution to just below that value. See the example in Exercise 8.11.

8.3-7. Optimum Separation Exercise

Exercise 8.11:

A solution is 0.010 M each in Sn2+ and Fe2+. At what pH would optimum separation be achieved?
Ksp = 8.0e–16 for Fe(OH)2 and 1.4e–28 for Sn(OH)2.
    Which metal ion should be precipitated?
  • Sn2+
  • Fe2+ The hydroxide with the lowest Ksp will precipitate first.
    Which of the following would be the best pH to use for the separation?
  • 6 Determine the hydroxide ion concentration that would be required to precipitate the more soluble hydroxide:
        [OH1−] =
    8 × 10−16
    = 3 × 10−7 M

    pOH = 6.5; pH = 7.5
    Fe(OH)2 begins to precipitate at pH = 7.5. For best separation, the pH should be as high as possible to precipitate as much Sn(OH)2 as possible, but it must be below
    pH = 7.5
    to avoid precipitating Fe(OH)2. Thus,
    pH = 7
    is the optimum pH in the selection.
  • 7
  • 8 Determine the hydroxide ion concentration that would be required to precipitate the more soluble hydroxide:
        [OH1−] =
    8 × 10−16
    = 3 × 10−7 M

    pOH = 6.5; pH = 7.5
    Fe(OH)2 begins to precipitate at pH = 7.5. For best separation, the pH should be as high as possible to precipitate as much Sn(OH)2 as possible, but it must be below
    pH = 7.5
    to avoid precipitating Fe(OH)2. Thus,
    pH = 7
    is the optimum pH in the selection.
  • 9 Determine the hydroxide ion concentration that would be required to precipitate the more soluble hydroxide:
        [OH1−] =
    8 × 10−16
    = 3 × 10−7 M

    pOH = 6.5; pH = 7.5
    Fe(OH)2 begins to precipitate at pH = 7.5. For best separation, the pH should be as high as possible to precipitate as much Sn(OH)2 as possible, but it must be below
    pH = 7.5
    to avoid precipitating Fe(OH)2. Thus,
    pH = 7
    is the optimum pH in the selection.
  • 10 Determine the hydroxide ion concentration that would be required to precipitate the more soluble hydroxide:
        [OH1−] =
    8 × 10−16
    = 3 × 10−7 M

    pOH = 6.5; pH = 7.5
    Fe(OH)2 begins to precipitate at pH = 7.5. For best separation, the pH should be as high as possible to precipitate as much Sn(OH)2 as possible, but it must be below
    pH = 7.5
    to avoid precipitating Fe(OH)2. Thus,
    pH = 7
    is the optimum pH in the selection.
  • 11 Determine the hydroxide ion concentration that would be required to precipitate the more soluble hydroxide:
        [OH1−] =
    8 × 10−16
    = 3 × 10−7 M

    pOH = 6.5; pH = 7.5
    Fe(OH)2 begins to precipitate at pH = 7.5. For best separation, the pH should be as high as possible to precipitate as much Sn(OH)2 as possible, but it must be below
    pH = 7.5
    to avoid precipitating Fe(OH)2. Thus,
    pH = 7
    is the optimum pH in the selection.
What are the concentrations of the metal ions in solution after precipitation?
[Fe2+] =
0.01_0__ Fe(OH)2 does not precipitate at pH = 7, so [Fe2+] = 0.01 M M
[Sn2+] =
1e-14_0__ Use pH = 7 to determine that
[OH1−] = 1e–07 M,
which is then used in the Ksp expression for Sn(OH)2,
[Sn2+] =
= 1e−14 M.
Note that the precipitated hydroxide could be redissolved in an acidic solution, so the solution of two metal ions could be separated into two solutions that each contain only one metal ion.

8.3-8. Reaction Table Exercise

Exercise: 8.12

Determine the mass of Ag2CrO4 (Ksp = 1.1e–12, Mm = 331.7 g/mol) that is formed and the concentrations of Ag1+ and CrO42– in the resulting solution when 50. mL of 0.10 M K2CrO4 and 50. mL of 0.10 M AgNO3 are mixed.

The equilibrium constant for the precipitation is ~1e+12 (the reciprocal of Ksp because the reaction is the reverse of the dissociation reaction), so essentially all of the limiting reactant disappears.

Fill in the reaction table in millimoles.
2 Ag1+ + CrO42– Ag2CrO4(s)
50. mL solution ×
0.10 mmol Ag1+
mL solution
= 5.0 mmol Ag1+
50. mL solution ×
0.10 mmol CrO42–
mL solution
= 5.0 mmol CrO42–
0_0__ There is none initially.
-5.0_0__ All of the limiting reactant disappears.
-2.5_0__ Assume that all of the limiting reactant disappears.
o_+2.5_s Based on the amount of limiting reactant that disappears. Don't forget to include the sign of the change.
0_0__ Assume that all of the limiting reactant disappears.
2.5_0__ Sum the initial and Δ lines.
2.5_0__ Sum the initial and Δ lines.
mass (in grams) of Ag2CrO4 that precipitates =
2.5 mmol ×
332 mg
= 8.3e2 mg = 0.83 g
[CrO42–] =
[CrO42–] =
2.5 mmol
100 mL
= 0.025 M
The stoichiometry of Chapter 1 can be used for all entries except the limiting reactant because the limiting reactant concentration cannot be zero if the Ksp is to be satisfied. Finding the concentration of the limiting reactant is the same as finding the solubility of the salt in the presence of a common ion (the excess reactant). Use the Ksp expression and the [CrO42–] determined above to find the limiting reactant concentration, which will be small but not zero.
[Ag1+] =
[Ag1+] =
1.1 × 10−12
= 6.6 × 10−6 M

8.3-9. Reaction Table Exercise

Exercise 8.13:

What is the concentration of lead ions in a solution formed by mixing 24 mL of 0.10 M Pb(NO3)2 and 50. mL of 0.12 M KF?

Be sure to include coefficients with the substances in the balanced equation. (Indicate any subscripted characters with an underscore (_) and any superscripted characters with a caret (^). For example, NH_4^1+ for NH41+. Include any coefficients other than 1. Omit any spaces.)
Cation Anion Product
o_Pb^2+_s PbF2 precipitates.
o_2F^1-_s PbF2 precipitates.
o_PbF_2_s PbF2 precipitates.
2.4_0__ (24 mL)(0.10 M) = 2.4 mmol Pb2+
6.0_0_2_ (50 mL)(0.12 M) = 6.0 mmol F1–
0_0__ There is no PbF2 initially.
-2.4_0__ Pb2+ is the limiting reactant.
-4.8_0__ Pb2+ is the limiting reactant, and 2 mol F1– are required for each 1 mol Pb2+.
o_+2.4_s Pb2+ is the limiting reactant, and one mole of PbF2 forms for each mol of Pb2+ that reacts.
0_0__ Sum the initial and Δ lines:
2.4 − 2.4 = 0.
All of the limiting reactant disappears.
1.2_0__ Sum the initial and Δ lines:
6.0 − 4.8 = 1.2 mmol F1−
2.4_0__ Sum the initial and Δ lines:
0 + 2.4 = 2.4 mmol PbF2
[F1–] =
0.016_0__ [F1–] = 1.2 mmol/74 mL = 0.016 M M
[Pb2+] =
[Pb2+] =
= 1.4e−04 M

8.4 Complex Ions


Complex ions are ions in which a central metal ion is surrounded by molecular or anionic ligands. For example, the [Fe(H2O)6]3+ ion discussed in Section 8.1 is a complex ion. The ligands and the metal are in equilibrium in much the same way that the protons and anion of a polyprotic acid are in equilibrium. That is, there is a series of equilibria in which the ligands are added or removed one at a time. However, in our treatment of complex-ion equilibria, we will consider only the overall process in which all of the ligands are added or removed in one step.


8.4-1. The Formation and Dissociation Constants

The equilibrium constant governing the one-step formation of a complex ion from its metal ion and ligands is called the formation constant, Kf. Table 8.3 contains the formation constants at 25 °C for some common complex ions.
Complex Ion Kf Kd
Ag(NH3)21+ 1.7e07 5.9e–08
Ag(CN)21– 3.0e20 3.3e–21
Cu(NH3)42+ 4.8e12 2.1e–13
Fe(CN)64– 1.0e35 1.0e–35
Fe(CN)63– 1.0e42 1.0e–42
Ni(NH3)62+ 5.6e08 1.8e–09
Zn(OH)42– 2.8e15 3.6e–16
Table 8.3: Formation and Dissociation Constants at 25 °C
As an example, consider formation of the complex ion Ag(NH3)21+.
Ag1+ + 2 NH3 Ag(NH3)21+
The equilibrium constant for the reaction is the formation constant of the Ag(NH3)21+ ion.
Kf =
= 1.7 × 107
Biochemists prefer the reverse of the formation reaction, so the dissociation constant, Kd, is also common. However, the Kd of an ion is merely the reciprocal of its Kf. Table 8.3 shows both the dissociation and formation constants of selected complex ions.

8.4-2. Exercise

Exercise 8.14:

What is the concentration of free Cu2+ in a 0.26 M solution of Cu(NH3)42+ (Kd = 2.1 × 10–13)?

Use x for the amount of Cu(NH3)42+ that reacts and determine the equilibrium line for the reaction table.
4 NH3
o_0.26-x_ins Initial = 0.26;
Δ = −x
o_x_ins Initial = 0;
Δ = +x
o_4x_ins Initial = 0;
Δ = +4x
Assume that x is negligible compared to the initial concentration of Cu(NH3)42+ to set up the equilibrium constant expression and solve for x ([Cu2+]).
[Cu2+] = 7.3e-4_0__ If x is negligible in the subtraction, then
Kd =

2.1e−13 =

So x = [Cu2+] = 7.3e–4 M

8.4-3. Separations with Sulfide Ion

Metal sulfides are very insoluble, so many metals can be separated by adjusting the sulfide ion concentration in solution. Recall from Section 7.4 that the two Ka equilibria of H2S can be combined to eliminate HS1– ion as follows:
H2S + 2 H2O S2− + 2 H3O1+ K12 =
= K1K2 = 1.3 × 10−20
If [H2S] is known, K12 allows us to determine the pH required for a given [S2–] or to determine [S2–] from a given pH. H2S is a gas, and its solubility in water at 25 °C is 0.10 M; thus, a solution with a desired sulfide ion concentration can be prepared by buffering a solution to a predetermined pH and then saturating it with H2S. Both [H2S] and pH are known, so the sulfide ion concentration can be determined. However, as was also shown in Section 7.4, above
pH = 5,
the H2S concentration can no longer be assumed to be 0.10 M because the HS1– concentration can no longer be ignored.

8.4-4. Sulfide Separation Exercise

Exercise 8.15:

To what pH should a solution that is 0.010 M in each Fe2+ and Mn2+ be saturated with H2S to achieve an optimum separation of ions?
  • Ksp(MnS) = 5.6e–16
  • Ksp(FeS) = 6.3e–18
The optimum separation is accomplished at the highest pH that does not precipitate the more soluble sulfide, so first determine the highest [S2–] allowed without precipitating the more soluble sulfide.
[S2–] =
5.6e-14_0__ MnS has the higher Ksp, so it is more soluble. Determine the maximum sulfide from the Ksp and the given Mn2+ concentration.
[S2−] =
Use the K12 expression in the previous section to determine the [H3O1+] required to deliver the above sulfide ion concentration.
[H3O1+] =
1.5e-4_0__ Use the [S2–] determined above with the K12 value and the fact that saturated H2S is 0.10 M.
[H3O1+] =
The optimum separation pH to the nearest 0.1 pH units is
pH =
3.8_0__ –log(1.5e–4) = 3.82, so the pH must be kept below 3.82. To the nearest 0.1, that is 3.8.
Assume the pH is adjusted to exactly the above pH; i.e., if the above answer is 4.2, assume a pH of 4.20 and calculate the ion concentrations at this pH.
[S2–] =
5.2e-14_0__ Solve K12 expression for [S2–]. [H3O1+] = 10–3.80 = 1.58e–4 M
[S2−] =
= 5.2e−14
[Mn2+] =
0.010_0__ The sulfide concentration is below that required for precipitation of MnS. M
[Fe2+] =
[Fe2+] =
= 1.2e−04
Is this a good separation?
  • Yes Over 1% of the Fe2+ ions remain in solution with the Mn2+. Such a large fraction is not considered a very good separation.
  • No

8.5 Competing or Simultaneous Equilibria


As we have seen, metal ions can be involved in acid-base, solubility, and complex ion equilibria. Thus, several components of a solution containing a metal ion may compete with one another for the metal ion. These competing or simultaneous equilibria are the topic of this section.


8.5-1. Silver Chloride Dissolves in Ammonia

Ag1+ ions react with both chloride ions and ammonia molecules, so two competing equilibria are established when AgCl is placed in an aqueous solution of NH3 as both NH3 and Cl1– compete for Ag1+.
( Reaction 1 )
AgCl(s) Ag1+ + Cl1− Ksp = 1.8 × 10−10
( Reaction 2 )
Ag1+ + 2 NH3 Ag(NH3)21+         Kf = 1.7 × 107
To determine how much AgCl would dissolve in NH3, we add Reaction 1 and Reaction 2 to obtain Reaction 3, which represents the dissolution of AgCl in NH3. The equilibrium constant for the reaction would then be the product of the equilibrium constants of the summed chemical equations.
( Reaction 3 )
2 NH3 + AgCl(s) Ag(NH3)21+ + Cl1−
K = KspKf = (1.8 × 10−10)(1.7 × 107) = 3.1 × 10−3
K = 3.1 × 10−3 =
Reaction 1 describes the solubility of AgCl in water, while Reaction 3 describes its solubility in aqueous NH3. We examine the solubility of AgCl in NH3 in the following exercise.

8.5-2. AgCl in NH3 Exercise

Exercise 8.16:

What is the solubility of AgCl in 1.0 M NH3?

Use x as the solubility of AgCl (x mol/L of AgCl dissolve) to fill in the reaction table. Note that AgCl is a solid, so there are no entries under it. (K = 3.1 × 10–3 for the reaction below.)
2 NH3 + AgCl(s)
+ Cl1–
1.0_0_2_ The concentration of ammonia is given in the question.
0_0__ There is none initially.
0_0__ There is none initially.
o_-2x_s Apply stoichiometry and the fact that x mol/L of AgCl dissolve. Don't forget to include the sign.
o_+x_s Apply stoichiometry and the fact that x mol/L of AgCl dissolve. Don't forget to include the sign.
o_+x_s Apply stoichiometry and the fact that x mol/L of AgCl dissolve. Don't forget to include the sign.
o_1.0-2x_s Add the initial and Δ lines.
o_x_s Add the initial and Δ lines.
o_x_s Add the initial and Δ lines.
Set up the equilibrium constant expression using the equilibrium line entries. Take the square root of both sides and solve for x, the molar solubility.
solubility of AgCl =
K = 3.1e−3 =
(1.0 − 2x)2

Take the square root of both sides to obtain
0.056 =
1.0 − 2x

Multiply both sides by
1.0 − 2x
to remove the denominator to get
0.056(1.0 − 2x) = x.

Gather terms:
0.056 = 1.11x,
solve for x.
x =
= 0.050 M

8.5-3. Acids and Bases Dissolve One Another

The solubility of AgCl is 4 × 103 times greater in 1 M ammonia than in water. In fact, it is a general principle that an insoluble salt can be dissolved by placing it into a solution of a Lewis base (OH1–, CN1–, or NH3) with which the metal forms a complex ion. However, the metal goes into solution predominantly as the complex ion, not as the free metal ion. Dissolving an insoluble salt by forming a complex ion is a Lewis acid-base reaction. Ag1+ is a Lewis acid and Cl1– and NH3 are bases that can compete for the Lewis acid. In cases where the anion is a weak base, the insoluble salt can be dissolved by placing it in strong acid. For example, CN1– is a base and Ag1+ and H3O1+ are acids that can compete for the base. An example of this type is considered in the following exercise.

8.5-4. Determining K Exercise

Exercise 8.17:

F1– ion is a weak base that can react with acids. In this exercise, we use the solubility of CaF2 in a strong acid to examine the competition between H3O1+ and Ca2+ for the F1– ion.

What is the equilibrium constant for the dissociation of CaF2 in strong acid?
CaF2(s) + 2 H3O1+ Ca2+ + 2 HF + 2 H2O
  • Ksp for CaF2 = 3.9 × 10−11
  • Ka for HF = 7.2 × 10−4
1. The chemical equation for the Ksp of CaF2 is the following. (Indicate any subscripted characters with an underscore (_) and any superscripted characters with a caret (^). For example, NH_4^1+ for NH41+. Include any coefficients other than 1. Omit any spaces.)
o_CaF_2_s CaF2 Ca2+ + 2F1–
o_Ca^2+_s CaF2 Ca2+ + 2F1–
o_2F^1-_s CaF2 Ca2+ + 2F1–
2. By what number should the above be multiplied? Use a negative sign to indicate that the direction of the reaction must be reversed from the defined direction.
multiply CaF2 dissociation by
1_0__ One mole CaF2 appears as a reactant in both the dissociation reaction and the above reaction, so the reaction does not need to be changed.
3. The equilibrium constant for the reaction produced in Step 2:
K = 3.9e-11_0__ The reaction is the same as the Ksp reaction, so
K = Ksp.
4. The chemical equation for the Ka of HF is the following. (Indicate any subscripted characters with an underscore (_) and any superscripted characters with a caret (^). For example, NH_4^1+ for NH41+. Include any coefficients other than 1. Omit any spaces.)
o_HF_s HF + H2O H3O1+ + F1–
o_H_2O_s HF + H2O H3O1+ + F1–
o_H_3O^1+_s HF + H2O H3O1+ + F1–
o_F^1-_s HF + H2O H3O1+ + F1–
5. By what number should the above be multiplied? Use a negative sign to indicate that the direction of the reaction must be reversed from the defined direction.
multiply HF dissociation by
-2_0__ One mole HF2 is a reactant in the acid dissociation reaction, but two moles of HF are produced in the above reaction. Thus, the Ka reaction must be reversed and multiplied by 2.
6. The equilibrium constant for the reaction produced in Step 5:
K = 1.9e6_0__ Reversing a reaction requires taking the reciprocal of K, and multiplying a reaction by 2 requires squaring K. Thus,
K = (1/Ka)2.
7. The equilibrium constant for dissolving CaF2 in acid:
K = 7.5e-5_0__ The equilibrium constant is the product of the two equilibrium constants for the reactions that summed to the desired reaction.
K = (3.9e−11)(1.9e6) = 7.5e−05

8.5-5. Solubility of Ag3PO4

Exercise 8.18:

In Section 8.2-5., we saw that the solubility of Ag3PO4 in water was over eight times greater than that determined with Ksp due to a competition between Ag1+ and H2O for PO43–. We now revisit that solubility as a competing equilibria problem. We assume that the equilibrium can be determined with the following:
Ag3PO4(s) 3 Ag1+ + PO43–          Ksp = 2.6 × 10–18
PO43– + H2O HPO42– + OH1–          Kb = 0.021
Assume that the reaction is Ag3PO4(s) + H2O 3 Ag1+ + HPO42– + OH1– and determine the equilibrium constant for the solubility:
K =
5.5e-20_0__ Adding the two chemical equations produces the desired equation, so K = KspKb.
If the pH of a saturated solution is 9.00, what is the solubility of Ag3PO4? As shown in Figure 7.3, all phosphate is in the form of HPO42– at pH = 9.00.
solubility =
1.2e-4_0__ K = [Ag1+]3[HPO42–][OH1–]; [Ag1+] = 3x; [HPO42–] = x; [OH1–] = 10–pOH = 10–5.00
The observed solubility is 1.5 × 10–4 M, but that determined with Ksp alone is 1.8 × 10–5 M. Thus, it is competing equilibria like this that lead to such poor agreement between predicted and experimental solubilities for salts of relatively strong bases when only Ksp is used in the calculations.

8.6 Exercises and Solutions

Select the links to view either the end-of-chapter exercises or the solutions to the odd exercises.